Tuesday, October 28, 2008

chanel one news 10.28.08


racial stuff

some college students are woried about racial things. i think people should not be prejiduce towards otheres, its pathetic! they are bvanning people from being predjud8ice at schools and other places. there is a thing caklled affirmative action that stops people from discriminating. that i a good idea who ever thought of that. someone is foolong people to make them think that the us has solved the racial stuff in the us.i think that we have to stop discriminating because they are people too. i really dont understand why we are so racial in the first place.

here are a few sites to visit to find out more

Thursday, October 23, 2008

chanel one news 10.23.08

there is the awsome count down again. yes Justin , i know what the date today is. there is polls on the presidential candidates, man those polls are odd. if i could vote i would vote for McCain. but that is just my opinion.people get called to make polls, man that is a dumb idea, if they wanted to do a poll they could go online and do it! go to one vote.com to vote for your president, now that is what i am talking about.food prices are going up leaving people hungry. i really fell sorry for those people. a shuttle is going to the moon to get a new map of it, and they are going to look in a place were scientists hope to find ice. i find that i agree with Luke, if you put something on the Internet colleges should be able to see it. if you don't want them to then it is your fault for putting it on there in the first place,huff. man the first marathon runner dropped dead when he finished . a marathon is 26.2 miles long. man people are losing jobs like crazy in new york , so they go run a marathon! marathons are four hours long! in my opinion whoever runs in those things, your crazy!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

chanel one news 10.22.08

oh man here we go again! the cool countdown. awsome music. yup Steven whoeveryournameis i know what day it is a whole lot of teens are getting killed in car crashes mostly because they talked on cell phones while driving. man they do not like bush . i don't either he needs to rethink everything he does Hannah van winkle sweet name lady!! man they are talking more about college applications. and there was something about how something on my space could do your college application in . man there is so much about the economy going bad, it is kind of scary me.....i mean really! man that lady is going to eat that microphone soon if she keeps talking into it like that! there is the white house again. this thing keeps freezing up. the channel one news thingy not my computer. a new basket ball team called thunder, nice name for a team. something abut a good player who was named NBA rookie of the year is now going to college. he said he was getting his degree because his mom wanted him to. i don't really want to go to college it wastes away the precious years of your life!! one more thing . oh that is cool they are releasing an eagle that was brought up in a zoo, they had a trainer teach him to fly. i wish i could have seen that . hey it never went more than a few feet away from the hang glider when they let it loose. poor thing it has never gotten the chance to really live!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

chanel one news 10.15.08

there is the awsome countdown again! awsome music. Steven Fabien, cool name. the final presidential debate is today! everyone is in panic mode getting ready or the debate. wow huge college debt, it is harder for students to get loans. 97 bill bucks given out in scholarships out this year! bush announced a i didn't catch what it was called but they are buying banks all over to help the economy. man gas prices are going way down! there is a huge fire in California, it looks really big when they showed the picture. some one asked students what they think about how the candidates are doing, and they said that they should debate more about poverty and education,ect.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

chanel one news 10.09.08

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the awsome countdown !banks from around the world is lowering interest rates making it easier for people, what is an interest rate anyway? AIG got a 5 mil dollar loan form a bank and no one did anything about it AIG gave most of the money to something political that i didn't catch the name of . man they need to talk slower \. bush is talking about what he has done for the economy, rubbish! 1972 more young voters the numbers fell but are now back up again i wish i could vote. one vote left sweet it is the winner gets to vote no matter how old they are! 17 d.g. Jordain (not sure how to spell it) she is scared about the financial damage in wall street .AIG is failing financially.Dorree cool name she writes about the financial affect of thing on young people. oh great there is way less money for student loans now. go to Chanel1.com . 100 twenty years ago something opened up the Whasington monument is modeled after obelisk from the ancient Egyptians it stands over 550 ft tall!bushes wife turned white house pink in honor of breast cancers cure.