Thursday, October 9, 2008

chanel one news 10.09.08

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the awsome countdown !banks from around the world is lowering interest rates making it easier for people, what is an interest rate anyway? AIG got a 5 mil dollar loan form a bank and no one did anything about it AIG gave most of the money to something political that i didn't catch the name of . man they need to talk slower \. bush is talking about what he has done for the economy, rubbish! 1972 more young voters the numbers fell but are now back up again i wish i could vote. one vote left sweet it is the winner gets to vote no matter how old they are! 17 d.g. Jordain (not sure how to spell it) she is scared about the financial damage in wall street .AIG is failing financially.Dorree cool name she writes about the financial affect of thing on young people. oh great there is way less money for student loans now. go to . 100 twenty years ago something opened up the Whasington monument is modeled after obelisk from the ancient Egyptians it stands over 550 ft tall!bushes wife turned white house pink in honor of breast cancers cure.


Shane said...

sweet cool blog

Thomas said...

nice post

meara said...

your right that is rubbish

meara said...

wow 5 mil dalars is a lot

sadee said...

nice blog but your blog is to dotty ha ha but really it is a good very good blog