Friday, November 21, 2008

chanel one news 11.21.08

COUNT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


jobs are getting harfer and harder to find jobs. normally it is really easy to get a partime job, but the failuing economy is infl;uencingb it in a major way. stores are still looking for help, just check out the unlikely ones!

visit to see about more jobs


the loss of jobs

a huge amount of people are checking into the unemployment office. more, in fact, than ever before.

the white house

whats it like to have your dad the president? your mom the first lady? sasha and her sister are looking forward o seeing the rooms that they will soon be redecorating. they will also be getting a puppy. but living in the whitehouse means living under the spotlight, secretservice people are with you at all times. many mothers dont want their children to be photographed as much as they are. i think it would be rather cool to live in the whitehouse, but i wouldnt want my life to be broadcasted all over magazines and stuff.

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