Dun dun dun duuun!! The countdown begins! 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 !!!
a run off election is an election that... well i didn't hear the rest. the candidates give really long speeches. what do you call those speeches? it is a filibuster! that was the super question.that must be really boring to sit through. wow, someone once gave a speech that lasted over 15 hours!! i would fall asleep, and i think politics are boring.
there are major attacks going on in India. someone put a sack of some sort of bomb in one of their largest train station! that is terrible.the pirates off the coast Somalia tried to att
ack a large cruise ship, but the captain ordered full speed and they where able to out run the pirates.

there is a major drop in the number of adults who are enrolled in college. the us has dropped from 5 to 7 in fact.
i don't know were this topic came from but OK. many teens are being brought in to court for noise violation. the judge played songs like barney for an hour and made the kids listen to it, the number of booming songs has dropped immensely. i know that if i had to listen t barney for an hour i would be sure to knock off what ever i was doing!!

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